Saturday, February 23, 2013

Aya Ueto Japan 2013 Gallery New Fashion 2013

She is very beautiful girl. She is very lovely and sweet. Unless you are familiar with Japanese offerings in television, films or music, then you probably never experienced the stunning vestige of Aya Ueto. And oh, what an experience! If you don’t know her, then the misfortune is truly yours. This 26-year-old beauty is a national darling in Japan. Born in Tokyo, Aya’s personage can be found everywhere across this island nation billboards, magazines, television, films and the like. And with good reason too! Aya’s famously sterling smile is guaranteed to move a product, as well as make a guy’s heart skip a beat or two. A seemingly magical combination of cuteness and heavenly innocence manifests in Aya’s sparkle. Aya’s beauty, in one sense, is “girl next door” in that it is not blatant in-your-face sexuality. Rather, she radiates a subdued, but nevertheless illuminating, presence. In fact, the thought of a beautiful fairy tale princess comes to mind with Aya. To her credit, she is just not another pretty face. An equally talented actress and singer, she has recently added fashion design to her resume. For certain, it is only a matter of time before this Japanese beauty transitions from national stardom to international sensation. We can’t wait. Where You May Have Seen Her: Aya holds the record for being the actress with the most television commercials in Japan. She was a member of a quartet called . Aya also has a solo career and has released multiple albums. She has appeared in the series B-gumi Kinpachi sensei 6, and starred in the movie Azumi.


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